It follows then [1] that all of our successes and failures are meant to challenge us one way or another [2]. It’s just that G-d Himself sees to it that each challenge is to be the best one for the person experiencing it [3].
[1] That is, based on the principle cited in 2:3:2 that all of our moral challenges play a role in the benefit or detriment of the universe, and are meted out to us with an end in mind, it follows that ….
[2] Elsewhere Ramchal reiterates that our successes as well as failures are challenges (Messilat Yesharim Ch. 1), he indicates that one’s successes are a often a consequence of his attaching onto G-d (Da’at Tevunot 40, 160) while his failures are often an outcome of his wrongful actions (2:3:4 below and Klach Pitchei Chochma 49), and he illustrates the factors that go into an individual’s successes and failures (Da’at Tevunot 170).
[3] Once again the point is that nothing is random — everything is purposeful, ultimately beneficial and for a particular end, which is the perfection of the universe.
(c) 2016 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
Feel free to contact me at feldman@torah.org
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