We’ll be dividing Klach Pitchei Chochma into the following sections, based on R’ Yoseph Spinner’s more work-able lay-out in his edition of Klach. I’d tried to break it down into larger chunks, based on R’ M. Shriki’s edition, but it’s too bulky that way.
1) On the Revelation of God’s Yichud and His Beneficence (1-4)
2) Sephirot (5-6)
3) The images in which the Sephirot Appear (7-13)
4) The Essential Elements of Sephirot and their Governance (14-17)
5) The Letters and Names (18-23)
6) The Tzimtzum and Kav (24-30)
7) Adam Kadmon and its Offshoots (31-35)
8) The World of Nikkudim (36-50)
9) The First Three and Seven Lower (Sephirot) of Nikkudim(51-53)
10) The 288 Sparks (54-58)
11) The World of Tikkun (59-69)
12) The Tikkun of Partzuf (70-73)
13) Partzuf Attik (74-77)
14) The Root of the Hidden Supervision (78-84)
15) The Issue of Radla and Uncertainties about It (85-89)
16) Partzuf Erech Anpin (90-95)
17) The Connection between Atzilut and Adam Kadmon through Attik and Erech Anpin (96-100)
18) The Tikkunim of Erech Anpin (101-109)
19) Partzufim Abbah and Imma (110-114)
20) Partzufim Zeir and Nukveh (115-118)
21) Partzufim Zeir Anpin and B’eiahm (119-123)
22) Da’at of Zeir Anpin and its Extent (124-126)
23) Mochin of Zeir Anpin (127-130)
24) The Worlds’ Ascents and Descents (131-133)
25) The Tikkun of Nukveh and its Convergences (134-138)
And let it be noted that when we cite the main statement of each petach (either in the first instance or in each one to follow) we will offer it in bold print, and when we cite Ramchal’s own comments to each we’ll set it off in quotes and in italics.
(c) 2010 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
Feel free to contact me at feldman@torah.org
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