Monthly Archives: December 2016

Petach 106

Petach 106

              Some of the Tikkunim are meant to allow for the flow of effulgence while others are meant to prepare and rectify the flow itself. But while that’s true in general about the Tikkunim, they’re actually meant to explain the Tikkunim of the “beard”, 

התיקונים – מהם עשוים להמשיך השפע בהם, ומהם לתת הכנות ותיקונים לשפע עצמו.

 זהו כלל בכל התיקונים, אך ענינו לפרש בו ענין תיקוני הדיקנא:

 (c) 2016 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

Feel free to contact me at


AT LONG LAST! Rabbi Feldman’s translation of Maimonides’ “Eight Chapters” is available here at a discount.

You can still purchase a copy of Rabbi Feldman’s translation of “The Gates of Repentance” here at a discount as well.

Rabbi Yaakov Feldman has also translated and commented upon “The Path of the Just” and “The Duties of the Heart” (Jason Aronson Publishers).

Rabbi Feldman also offers two free e-mail classes on entitled “Spiritual Excellence” and “Ramchal”.

Petach 105

Petach 105 

The “hairs” of the “head” are a disclosure of the holiness of the “brain” itself just as it is within. But the “beard” is made to allow for all of the lights to descend by degrees down to Zeir Anpin.

שערות הראש הם מתגלים מקדושת המוח עצמו כמו שהיא בו. אך הדיקנא עשויה להשתלשל בה האורות בהדרגה, לרדת עד הז”א:

  (c) 2016 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

Feel free to contact me at


AT LONG LAST! Rabbi Feldman’s translation of Maimonides’ “Eight Chapters” is available here at a discount.

You can still purchase a copy of Rabbi Feldman’s translation of “The Gates of Repentance” here at a discount as well.

Rabbi Yaakov Feldman has also translated and commented upon “The Path of the Just” and “The Duties of the Heart” (Jason Aronson Publishers).

Rabbi Feldman also offers two free e-mail classes on entitled “Spiritual Excellence” and “Ramchal”.

Petach 104

Petach 104

The issue of the governance of justice is fully dependant on the interplay of the triad of ChessedDinRachamim and its recipient, because the system of reward and punishment depends on it.

The root of all this is located in Erich Anpin‘s three “brains” and in Radlah which is above them and functions as the root of the receiver, which is the Shechina. 

ענין ההנהגה המשפטית תלוי הכל בחד”ר והמקבל מהם. כי בזה תלוי כל ענין השכר והעונש.

ולשורש ענין זה נמצא בא”א התחלקות התלת רישין. ורדל”א שעל גביהם הוא שורש למקבל, שהיא השכינה:

(c) 2016 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

Feel free to contact me at


AT LONG LAST! Rabbi Feldman’s translation of Maimonides’ “Eight Chapters” is available here at a discount.

You can still purchase a copy of Rabbi Feldman’s translation of “The Gates of Repentance” here at a discount as well.

Rabbi Yaakov Feldman has also translated and commented upon “The Path of the Just” and “The Duties of the Heart” (Jason Aronson Publishers).

Rabbi Feldman also offers two free e-mail classes on entitled “Spiritual Excellence” and “Ramchal”.

Petach 103

Petach 103

Everything about Erich Anpin occurs ultimately to strengthen kindness and mitigate judgment. In fact, there’s even an aspect of it that will prove to utterly undo judgment — the revelation of “the willful forehead”. 

כל עניני הא”א הולכים להגביר החסד ולמתק הדין. ויש גילוי כחו בכח – שהוא מעביר הדין לגמרי, והוא ענין גילוי מצח הרצון:

(c) 2016 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

Feel free to contact me at


AT LONG LAST! Rabbi Feldman’s translation of Maimonides’ “Eight Chapters” is available here at a discount.

You can still purchase a copy of Rabbi Feldman’s translation of “The Gates of Repentance” here at a discount as well.

Rabbi Yaakov Feldman has also translated and commented upon “The Path of the Just” and “The Duties of the Heart” (Jason Aronson Publishers).

Rabbi Feldman also offers two free e-mail classes on entitled “Spiritual Excellence” and “Ramchal”.