Here’s how Ramchal explains the unique role that Malchut plays in the prophetic visions themselves [1]. As the last Sephira of the lot above and the first of the lot below, and the aforementioned entranceway to both, “Malchut … stands in the middle between the emanation and reception” processes. The difference between the two is as follows, though: “The powers of emanation up above are pure” i.e., utterly undifferentiated and formless, while everything down below is differentiated and formed where they’re received.
“So the Shechina must forge a bond between them (i.e., between the powers of emanation and of reception) when they (i.e., the emanations) descend below”. They thus must pass through Malchut, the gateway, which enables them to “reach their places in the lower worlds” and to be received appropriately.
So much for the mechanics; but what is it about the nature of Malchut itself that allows for the various phenomena to be seen? Ramchal offers that Malchut acts as a sort of “lens” through which the images appear.
So while this is all conjecture on our part, we’d suggest that the prophet would somehow or another have to “enter” Malchut and, drawing upon its lens and gateway properties, he’d have to ascend to somehow get a sense of what was found above, then descend and “translate” what he’d seen into worldly terms.
[1] The quotes are from his own comments to Petach 11.
(c) 2011 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
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