The radiance within Adam Kadmon’s face is actually a paradigm of the radiance that’s intrinsic to our own face’s makeup, Ramchal indicates. As he worded it in his comments, “the (human) face should actually express a ‘shine’ or ‘splendor’ like the sun’s” and like Adam Kadmon’s face, “as was true of Moses, whose face radiated (Exodus 34:29) and of Pinchas [1]”.
“The reason why this radiance isn’t visible now is because since Adam’s sin man’s face is no longer perfect. As Adam had had this radiance [2]…. In point of fact, in the future we’ll all emit this radiance, as it’s written: ‘And they that are wise shall radiate splendor like the splendor of the firmament’ (Daniel 12:3)”.
[1] Vayikra Rabbah 1:1.
[2] Zohar 1, 142b.
(c) 2012 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
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