Monthly Archives: October 2013

Petach 66

 תיקון כל דבר על ידי דו”ן הוא בסוד זיווג, עיבור ולידה.

בזיווג נמשכים החלקים דמ”ה וב”ן, עד שניתן הכל בנוק’. ושם נמצא בכלל אחד כל מה שצריך לימצא באור ההוא, שלא יהיה צריך להוסיף או לגרוע.

אחר כך צריך לפרט זה הכלל לחלקיו, ואינו מתגלה בפני עצמו, עד שיעמיד כל חלקיו בגילוי שלם. ועל כן עד הזמן ההוא נעלם באור שהוא נתלה בו, לקבל ממנו שלמותו, וזה מצד השתלם האורות אלה על ידי אלה.

כשהגיע למדרגה שנראו כל פרטיו, אך שלא יהיה בכל אחד מהם אלא שיעור הארה היותר קטנה שאפשר להיות, אז הוא מתגלה כפני עצמו, כיון שכבר אין יש פרטיות אור ליפרט עוד, אלא להוסיף כח והארה.

והתגלותו מן המאור העליון לחוץ – זהו שיקרא לידה:

Rectification comes about through the interactions of male and female under the rubric of the mystical notions of “coupling”, “pregnancy” and “birth”.

“Coupling” comes about when the subdivisions of MaH and BaN are drawn downward so as to set everything in the female. Everything that needs to exist in the light in question in total is contained there, and there’d be no need to add or subtract anything.

This totality must then to be subdivided into its various parts, but it, i.e., the “offspring”, isn’t made manifest until all of its parts are fully manifested. So, until that time, it, i.e., the Partzuf as “offspring”, is concealed within the light it depends on in order to be completed by it. This is because the lights of the one¸ i.e., of the “offspring” can only be completed through the lights of the other, i.e., of the female from which it was formed.

Once it, i.e., the Partzuf, reaches the stage where all its details are manifest, even though each contains only the barest amount of illumination, the “offspring” is then made manifest, since there’s no longer a need to differentiate the light any further, and it can only gain further ability and illumination during the “suckling” process.

And “birth” occurs when it, i.e., the Partzuf, is made manifest from the higher light outward.


(c) 2013 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

Feel free to contact me at


AT LONG LAST! Rabbi Feldman’s translation of Maimonides’ “Eight Chapters” is available here at a discount.

You can still purchase a copy of Rabbi Feldman’s translation of “The Gates of Repentance” here at a discount as well.

Rabbi Yaakov Feldman has also translated and commented upon “The Path of the Just” and “The Duties of the Heart” (Jason Aronson Publishers).

Rabbi Feldman also offers two free e-mail classes on entitled “Spiritual Excellence” and “Ramchal”.

Petach 65

ענין הדו”ן נמצא גם למעלה מזה, כיון שכבר הושמה ההנהגה בסוד חסד ודין.

אלא בנקודים היה השינוי, שבתחלה לא היה בהם תיקון דו”ן, יען יצא הב”ן לבדו, ואחר כך ניתן בהם מ”ה על ידי התיקון. ולכן כל שורש של דו”ן שמהאצילות ולמטה תלוי במתקלא, שהוא סוד חיבור מ”ה וב”ן:

The themes of male and female, i.e., the theme of the conjunction of male and female, are also found in higher realms than this, namely in the world of Adam Kadmon, since the system of governance had already been set in the mystical sphere of Chessed and Din which are themselves male and female respectively.

It’s just that there was a difference when it came to Nikkudim, in that male and female weren’t rectified at first in that instance, since BaN which is female emerged on its own. Only afterwards when MaH which is male came to play a part in them, i.e., in the Sephirot of Nikkudim, through the rectification process did the sources of male and female from Atzilut and downwards depend upon a “balance” of male and female, which is the mystical conjunction of MaH with BaN.


(c) 2013 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

Feel free to contact me at


AT LONG LAST! Rabbi Feldman’s translation of Maimonides’ “Eight Chapters” is available here at a discount.

You can still purchase a copy of Rabbi Feldman’s translation of “The Gates of Repentance” here at a discount as well.

Rabbi Yaakov Feldman has also translated and commented upon “The Path of the Just” and “The Duties of the Heart” (Jason Aronson Publishers).

Rabbi Feldman also offers two free e-mail classes on entitled “Spiritual Excellence” and “Ramchal”.

Petach 64

מכלל הספירות שנשברו וירדו מתבררים חלקים מה שמתבררים, ועולים לקבל אורותיהם באצילות, וזה על ידי הנוק’ שמעלה אותם כך. וכנגדם יורדים מדרגות מן המ”ה, כלי ואור, ומתחברים עמהם, וזה על ידי הזכר שממשיך אותם כך, ונותן אותם בנוק’.

אף על פי כן בתיקון הכלים העולים על ידי הנוק’ נכנס גם הזכר, והוא מתקן הימין שבהם, והנקבה מתקנת השמאל שבהם. ואחר כך מתחברים החלקים ביחד. וכן מתחבר מ”ה עם כל אחד מהם, ונשלמת התולדה:

Out of all of the Sephirot in BaN that were broken and that descended down to Briah in the Shevira process, those parts that were to be clarified were indeed clarified, and they, i.e., their vessels,  ascended to receive their lights that remained in Atzilut by means of Nukveh, which elevated them that way. Alternatively, all the levels of MaH, both the vessels and lights that joined with them descended by means of the male, i.e., the Yesod of Adam Kadmon, that drew them downward this way and placed them in Nukveh.

 Nevertheless, the male also took part in the repair of the vessels that ascended through the female: the male repaired the right side, while the female repaired their left side. The parts then joined together in Nukveh, and MaH joined with every one of them, as a result of which the resulting offspring wassa complete.


(c) 2013 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman

Feel free to contact me at


AT LONG LAST! Rabbi Feldman’s translation of Maimonides’ “Eight Chapters” is available here at a discount.

You can still purchase a copy of Rabbi Feldman’s translation of “The Gates of Repentance” here at a discount as well.

Rabbi Yaakov Feldman has also translated and commented upon “The Path of the Just” and “The Duties of the Heart” (Jason Aronson Publishers).

Rabbi Feldman also offers two free e-mail classes on entitled “Spiritual Excellence” and “Ramchal”.