Here’s a statement by Ramak, by the way, that ties the Sephirot in with the Divine names, most especially to the Tetragrammaton. He remarks that “the Sephirot are (embodied in) the ten (Divine) names that (are actual names rather than depictions, and as such deserve special treatment, so they) may not be erased. (In fact,)t he names and the Sephirot are one and the same, as the spirituality (i.e., the spiritual content) of the names are literally the Sephirot … The aforementioned names are Courtyards (i.e., entranceways) to the spirituality of the Sephirot, and that spirituality is a garment (i.e., a container for) the inner spirituality alluded to by the Tetragrammaton that’s found in each and every Sephira” (Pardes 1:10).
(c) 2011 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
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