AV, SaG, MaH, and BaN will be discussed at length below in Petach 33 especially, which is dedicated to it, as well as in Petachim 55-57. They’re also discussed in Eitz Chaim (Gate 5) and in numerous places in Zohar and Tikkunei Zohar.
Other Divine names are discussed in various traditional sources: the twelve and forty-two letter names, for example, are cited in the Talmud in Kiddushin 71 and Yoma 39b, as well as in Tikkunei Zohar 19a, in Pardes 21:12. And see Ba’al HaTurim to Numbers 11:16 where he cites God’s seventy names.
(c) 2011 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
Feel free to contact me at feldman@torah.org
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