At this point, though, those conjoined units didn’t have influence upon lower Partzufim. That only came about once the center-spoke of the balance-scale came into play as well, aside from the left and right spokes. It enabled them to combine and to influence the lower Partzufim.
Nonetheless, everything was governed by mutual agreement and cooperation as a consequence of the Tikkun, rather than by one Partzuf or Sephira alone shining as had been the case beforehand.
Because this new order epitomized order and agreement — as well as reciprocal relationships — rather than the autonomous and sovereign stance that held sway over the various parts before, the parts were now said to be bound to one another like a, “father”, i.e. Abbah, “mother” i.e., Imma, “son”, i.e., Zeir Anpin, and “daughter”, i.e., Nukveh, thus illustrating those sorts of familial, vertical and horizontal reciprocal relationships.
As such, the great innovation of the Tikkun process was the instigation of the Partzuf system [1], thanks to which there are fuller, more mature phenomenon than isolated Sephirot interplaying in the universe. In fact, one almost has the impression of the earlier layout as an example of the interaction of kids walking down a hall single file, full of themselves, and self-important, who then mature into full-fledged family members who cooperate and interact healthily and selflessly.
[1] See Petach 70.
(c) 2013 Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
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